I started baking madeleines just within the past month! I really appreciated your presentation of the origin myths. I use a different nonstick pan that truly is nonstick - no greasing and they slide right out - but I appreciate the YouTube link you provided and look forward to nerding-out with it the next time I bake. Do you get affiliate link points/rewards for Market Hall foods? I’m not a great tea drinker, but I treat myself a few times a year to little sprees there (shipping costs to the east coast are substantial :-( but worth it for their first-of-the-year olive oils, award winning California olive oils, and their dried fruits for my holiday baking) - I’d be happy to use your tea link on those occasions if there’s a benefit to you.

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Hi Maggie - I'm so glad you got bit by the same madeleine bug! :) The Market Hall link isn't an affiliate link, but they are a local institution here in the Bay Area and one of the only places selling my favorite tea on earth. It doesn't benefit me directly, but it does help ensure MY continued access to Mariage Freres tea....;) I hope the video is helpful for you!

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